ROM Massage and Therapeutic Exercise

Balance, Strength, Mobility

Services And Rates

Massage and Bodywork

Ashiatsu Massage: Ashiatsu is a type of massage therapy in which the therapist uses their feet, bars and other props, for support to vary pressure and weight. Therapists feet are cleaned and sanitized before each session. Client can remain fully clothed, or opt for traditional massage draping. The type of Ashiatsu I have studied is Sarga Bodywork, which provides a deep, myofascial release of muscle tissue.

Integrative Massage: includes traditional massage therapy techniques such as; trigger point and deep tissue, along with muscle activation, and flexibility techniques to help you reach your goals faster. Some of the techniques I use are PIR, PNF, and AIS, along with deep tissue, trigger point, and myofascial release. Ashiatsu can be added at no extra cost to you.


Strength and Conditioning

Stretch Session: Stretching, and Activation Techniques including: PIR, Active Isolated Stretching, PNF, and Myofascial Release to help you feel better and move better. Clients seeking a stretch session should wear comfortable loose fitting clothes.

Small Group Personal Training: Minimum 3 people. Maximum 4 people. Goal oriented strength and conditioning sessions designed for your needs.

Personal Training: Goal oriented strength and conditioning

Email Jennie at for more information on scheduling an assessment.


Investing in massage and bodywork is an investment in your health.



Ashiatsu$100 / 60 minutes
Ashiatsu$120 / 75 minutes
Ashiatsu$130 / 90 minutes
Integrative Massage$100 / 60 minutes
Integrative Massage$120 / 75 minutes
Integrative Massage$130 / 90 minutes
Stretch Session$60 / 30 minutes
Stretch Session$100 / 60 minutes
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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