We are made to move, but for many of us, movement is restricted to what is needed for our occupation. Unfortunately, this leads to loss of strength and restrictions in mobility, which can lead to injury.
As a personal trainer, I focus on helping my clients discover their unique strength and mobility and help them move more easily through life. Individual and small group sessions include exercises for increasing core strength and improving shoulder and hip mobility.
Individual Personal Training
Sessions are goal driven, with an initial assessment that provides feedback for periodic reassessments.
Assessment: Assessments are an important part of finding a personal trainer that's right for you. During assessments, you can expect to discuss your goals in detail, move through an assessment protocol, pay for services, and schedule sessions. If an assessment is scheduled and completed, but you choose not to train with me, no problem.
Assessments are $70
Individual Sessions are $70 per session
Packages: $780/ per 6 week sessions. Sessions are twice a week for 6 weeks with a re-assessment done at 12 weeks. Assessment are free when training package purchased.
Small Group Workouts
Small Group: $45 per person for 45 minute workouts twice a week for 4 weeks. Minimum 3 people, maximum 4. Have some fun with your friends! Assessments are not offered for small groups, so make sure everyone is onboard for a challenge. Of course modifications will be made when necessary.